Tuesday 27 August 2013

Travel... What A funny word.

Travel... what a funny word. it could mean different things. Travel your own country, someone elses country, maybe even just a county or even the world. people Have different visions, this is mine...
I want to travel. To many places, around the world if you like, North + South America, Australia, France,Greece, India, China, parts of Africa and many more.
The Main Thing i wan't to do is travel the States. I've dreamt about it for ages and i don't care if i do it solo or with company, i want to travel U.S.A! I wanna learn about different peoples lifestyles from new york to texas. 50 states is alot and i dont thinkj i'd be able to go to all of them but with some luck i might be able to go to the ones i really want to!
I want to see Famous monuments, such as:
  • Twin towers memorial
  • The white house
  • Times square
  • Statue of liberty
  • Golden Gate bridge
  • And them faces in the wall
I love the word Travel. I draw about different places, write about them too. It's the fact it's an adventure and i love not knowing what comes next, the mystery.
To begin any great journey, you must take the first step.
    Lauren. x