Monday 20 May 2013

The Pressure of Packing

    Going on holiday in a few days and im stuck with the main problem... PACKING!!!! ARGH! Personally i think its stupid to have a weight limit because you can hardly take anything with you. Why airlines Why? So i thought i'd give you some advice on what to take with a small weight limit!
  1. Your wash stuff/makeup -  you need to take that stuff, you don't want to stink do ya, if you do i think you have a problem... You should see someone about that.
  2. A reasonable amount of shoes - from my experience i think you should take mostly  sandals because they are much lighter then plimsolls or trainers (who wears trainers abroad in a nice, hot country?). For you boys i cant think of anything you can do apart from take less shoes?
  3. Mix & Match - Take sensible clothes e.g lightweight not woollen. Take clothes that you can mix and mash with so your not taking a separate outfit for everyday otherwise your suitcase is just going to get heavier and heavier.
  4. Swim suits - take two or three swimming suits/bikinis/or whatever so your not over crowding your suitcase, never good. No ones going to care if you were the same swimming costume twice i think they'll be more interested in there own tan or burn in some case.

    I swear every holiday i go on  there is always one man, wait let me rephrase  that... One tomato shrivelling up on a sun bed just roasting away. Its like why do that to yourself, so take sun cream you silly Billy's!!!
    There was one holiday where  i saw this old man wearing a mankini *cries* and running with a three legged dog(awww), i tell you I'm scarred for life.
    Well i guess what I'm saying is prepare for the worst because you'll be surprised what mysterious yet strange things you see. Don't say i didn't warn you...
    Anyway enjoy your holidays, or at least try.
    (Alburfeira in Portugal)

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